
The Office of Inclusive Services at UCCS is committed to providing equitable and meaningful inclusive access to university life for people with intellectual disabilities.

The OIS works toward equal participation in academic, social, independent living, and career experiences on campus and in the surrounding community. Upon completion, students will transfer skills learned at college back into their community. As students with intellectual disabilities participate with equal access, the communities they engage in will transform to redefine inclusion. 

As fully matriculated students they will:

  • Earn a Comprehensive Higher Education Certificate 
  • Take two inclusive academic courses in line with career goals each semester
  • Take a College and Career course every semester
  • Participate in internship and employment experiences
  • Create a Capstone Project that advances their career goals 
  • Join clubs and participate in campus activities
  • Engage in learning independent living skills
  • Set goals and develop a clear career path

For more information, please contact the Office of Inclusive Services at 719-255-4214 or jharmon@uccs.edu.


About Inclusive Services at UCCS



Dates & Deadlines

Upcoming Events:

May 8th - Capstone Presentations for Seniors

May 10th - Graduation!


A Day in the Life

A day in the life of a student receiving services from the Office of Inclusive Services looks very similar to any student attending UCCS!

A Day in the Life